Delta Chi to Host 9th Annual Miss Jimmy V Pageant

This winter season is one for giving, and Lake Forest College’s Delta Chi is spreading this spirit with its yearly philanthropic event, Miss Jimmy V, a pageant and talent show that raises money for the V Foundation for cancer research. This is the ninth year the pageant has been held on campus, and this year, there will be 11 organizations represented. The show will be held on December 1 at 7 p.m. in the Mohr Student Center.

The event’s name comes from the great Jim Valvano, a professional basketball player who dedicated his life and career to the world of American athletics. He died in 1993 of cancer and passionately believed in the search for a cure. The year he died, Valvano gave a speech at the Excellence in Sports Performance of the Year (ESPY) ceremony that inspired many to join his fight against cancer and to dedicate their resources to finding a cure.

Delta Chi shares this passion for finding a cure for cancer, and its members use that platform on campus to make a difference. Miss Jimmy V calls women from different organizations on campus to participate. This facilitates the unity of campus organizations, and it presents the opportunity for students to learn more about organizations they do not know much about. “Participants will compete for two coveted titles: Miss Jimmy V (the winner of the overall pageant and talent show) and Miss Money Bags (the participant that raises the most money),” Daniel Pivonka ’18 of Delta Chi said.

Yvette Ramirez 18’, winner of the 2015 Miss Jimmy V Pageant, poses with fellow contestants.

You likely have seen students tabling for this wonderful event. Those not entering the stage can participate, too. The weeks before Miss Jimmy V are a crucial time for fundraising. Prizes are raffled off to donors. This will be done through tabling prior to the event. This year’s prizes include iPads, Coach purses, Lantern gift cards, and a signed football.

While Miss Jimmy V is important to Delta Chi and cancer research, the diverse women who participate have found it to be a very fulfilling experience.

“Being able to participate in Miss Jimmy V not only gave me more confidence but it also gave me a chance to support a cause I am extremely passionate about,” Urooj Ahmad ’17, winner of 2014’s Miss Jimmy V pageant, said. “It’s really cool because different people of different organizations come together on one single topic: to raise money for cancer research.”

This year’s participants include a group from a diverse range of campus organizations, and Delta Chi is excited and grateful to have each representative helping its cause.

According to Pivonka, last year’s event raised more than $30,000 for the V Foundation. This year, the group is looking to “raise just as much or even more than last year.”

Delta Chi is hoping to have a large audience and an even larger group of donors, so do not hesitate to attend the event on December 1.

To donate online, visit

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